The last few winters were unusually warm here in Connecticut and we didn’t have any substantial snow fall since the 2020–2021 winter. Fortunately, this January we finally got some snow and a few days of extreme cold weather, so I was able to spend some time outside photographing birds. We have a bird feeding station in our backyard where both Gabi and I really enjoy watching the diverse winter bird-life through our kitchen window. I designed this platform to have the ability to photograph the birds in a natural environment. I put a vertical tree trunk next to it, a long horizontal log on the tray and a few small perches where the birds can land before hopping on the feeders. I saw at least a dozen of different bird species from my photo blind and was able to take photos of 9 of them. Here’s a gallery from my latest backyard bird photography “adventures”. All photos were taken with my Canon EOS 5Ds camera and my Canon 500mm f/4 lens on my Gitzo 1340 tripod with a RRS BH-55 ballhead.
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American Alligator American Moorhen American Red Squirrel Arizona Australia bird Bison Black-bellied Whistling Duck Black-capped Chickadee bluebonnet Blue Jay California Connecticut Cottontail Rabbit Eastern Chipmunk Europe film photography Gray Seal Green Sea Turtle Hawaii Hawaiian Monk Seal Hungary Insect Japanese White-Eye landscape Laysan Albatross Maine mammal Massachusetts Moose night North America Northern Cardinal people plant Pronghorn publication reptile Texas Tufted Titmouse Vermont video White-breasted Nuthatch White-tailed Deer Wyoming