Last weekend, Gabi and I did a short leaf-peeping trip to the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont. Even though it wasn’t a photography trip, I took my photo equipment and hoped to find a […]
Tag Archives: North America
Nature Photography at Baxter State Park – Maine
I spent a week in Maine at the end of September. I camped near Baxter State Park (map), just like two years ago and visited the park every day. My main goal was to photograph […]
Nature Photography at Green Mountains – Vermont
I spent two days at Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont (map) wild camping and doing nature photography. I was hoping to photograph some wildlife (deer or even moose), so I decided to camp near […]
Firefly Photography – Connecticut
The middle of summer is “firefly season” in Connecticut and in many parts of North America. When the sun goes down the forests and meadows light up as myriads of tiny light-producing insects make a […]
Acadia in Black and White
It’s kind of my tradition to create a black and white landscape image when I visit a national park that Ansel Adams visited as well. He is the most influential landscape photographer and I find […]
Acadia National Park – Maine
Gabi and I spent a few days at Acadia National Park in Maine. The park is located on the Maine coast and it is famous for its rugged coastline. Acadia preserves a large part of […]
Highlights from 2021
2021 has been another “interesting” year. After the shock of 2020 we now got used to the new norm. I spent most of my time in my backyard photographing the local birds and wildlife on […]
Yellowstone National Park – WY, MT, ID
The “Yellowstone Road Trip“. That’s how we called our September road trip, because even though we visited three other national parks too (Badlands, Teddy and the Tetons), the main goal of the very long drive […]
The Snake River and the Tetons in Black and White
Ansel Adams is probably the most famous American landscape photographer. He photographed the most epic places of the western United States, so whenever a nature photographer visits one of those places, they try to recreate […]
Grand Teton National Park – Wyoming
The main destination of our September road trip, other than the badlands of the Dakotas, was the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming. One of the most beautiful ranges of the Rockies is the Teton Range. Most […]
Pronghorns at Thunder Basin National Grassland – Wyoming
While traveling to the west on our September road trip, Gabi and I drove through the Thunder Basin National Grassland in Wyoming. This is a unique region and we really enjoyed the road through this […]
Theodore Roosevelt National Park – North Dakota
One of the other national parks Gabi and I visited on our September road trip was the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. Honoring the conservationist president, this is the only American national park […]
Badlands National Park – South Dakota
In September, Gabi and I went on a long road trip to the west. Our first destination was the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. The park protects nearly 380 square miles of canyons, buttes […]
Summer Visitors of my Backyard – Connecticut
We live next to the woods, so we have lots of wildlife in our backyard: chipmunks, rabbits, deer, marmots, birds, turtles, an abundance of insects and we are lucky to occasionally see a bobcat too. […]
Bird Photography at Milford Point – Connecticut
The Connecticut Audubon Society Coastal Center at Milford Point is a bird sanctuary in Milford, CT (map). The salt marshes and coastal dunes at Milford Point support a variety of plant and wildlife communities. The […]
Winter Visitors of my Backyard – Connecticut
My only nature photography project for this winter was to photograph some backyard birds and occasionally some other visitors of my backyard. Other than a couple of rare instances we got lots of snow so […]
Songbirds at my Backyard – Connecticut
I spent lots of time in my hide photographing birds at my backyard this winter. I already shared some photos last year and I’ll make a gallery from the rest of the images after winter. […]
White-tailed Deer in the Snow – Connecticut
We live in a house next to the woods so there is a lot of wildlife in our backyard. Beside the birds, we enjoy watching the chipmunks and the rabbits during the summer and we […]
Backyard Birds – Connecticut
A few months ago, Gabi and I moved into a house, so we finally have a backyard. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac right next to the woods, so we can enjoy watching […]
Baxter State Park – Maine
This year is very unique for everyone with the COVID-19 all around. I didn’t go out to do any nature photography since spring, however, as the fall arrived, I couldn’t resist to go for some […]
Tree swallow and bluebird photography in Connecticut
As most of us, I too had to change my plans for this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The biggest change for me was that I had to postpone my film photography plans because […]