This is my new nature photography video. It’s about the landscapes and wildlife of the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii. The North Shore is one of the favorite resting places of the green sea turtle and the favorite nursing area of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal and also the best place for sunset photography on the island.
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American Alligator American Moorhen American Red Squirrel Arizona Australia bird Bison Black-bellied Whistling Duck Black-capped Chickadee bluebonnet Blue Jay California Connecticut Cottontail Rabbit Eastern Chipmunk Europe film photography Gray Seal Green Sea Turtle Hawaii Hawaiian Monk Seal Hungary Insect Japanese White-Eye landscape Laysan Albatross Maine mammal Massachusetts Moose night North America Northern Cardinal people plant Pronghorn publication reptile Texas Tufted Titmouse Vermont video White-breasted Nuthatch White-tailed Deer Wyoming