The end of the year is the time for reflection and I’m filled with gratitude as I look back on the past year. 2024 was a great year for me with lots of awesome adventures. I photographed many local birds and other wildlife both in my backyard and sometimes a little farther away. I visited my favorite place on the northeast to photograph one of my favorite animals. I checked out the newest national park of the US and played with my new toy, a drone to photograph the fall colors in New England. However, the biggest adventure of the year and the highlight of 2024 was our Australia Road Trip. Gabi and I explored this unique country and enjoyed the amazing places and the extraordinary wildlife Down Under. My end-of-the-year tradition is to select a few images that mostly highlight the past year. As usually with these galleries, most of the images haven’t been posted before. I hope you enjoy this gallery and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!
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American Alligator American Moorhen American Red Squirrel Arizona Australia bird Bison Black-bellied Whistling Duck Black-capped Chickadee bluebonnet Blue Jay California Connecticut Cottontail Rabbit Eastern Chipmunk Europe film photography Gray Seal Green Sea Turtle Hawaii Hawaiian Monk Seal Hungary Insect Japanese White-Eye landscape Laysan Albatross Maine mammal Massachusetts Moose night North America Northern Cardinal people plant Pronghorn publication reptile Texas Tufted Titmouse Vermont video White-breasted Nuthatch White-tailed Deer Wyoming