2021 has been another “interesting” year. After the shock of 2020 we now got used to the new norm. I spent most of my time in my backyard photographing the local birds and wildlife on my self-built bird photography platform. A few times I also went to some of the local parks, but the main event of the year was a classic American road trip to the west, where Gabi and I visited four national parks: Badlands, Theodore Roosevelt, Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. During this awesome road trip we saw lots of beautiful landscapes and we had some amazing wildlife encounters too, and fortunately, I was able to do some nature photography as well. Here’s a selection of 14 images that mostly highlights my photography in 2021. I hope you enjoy this gallery and I wish you all a very Happy New Year!
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American Alligator American Moorhen American Red Squirrel Arizona Australia bird Bison Black-bellied Whistling Duck Black-capped Chickadee bluebonnet Blue Jay California Connecticut Cottontail Rabbit Eastern Chipmunk Europe film photography Gray Seal Green Sea Turtle Hawaii Hawaiian Monk Seal Hungary Insect Japanese White-Eye landscape Laysan Albatross Maine mammal Massachusetts Moose night North America Northern Cardinal people plant Pronghorn publication reptile Texas Tufted Titmouse Vermont video White-breasted Nuthatch White-tailed Deer Wyoming