Autumn is a wonderful season for landscape photography as the foliage turns into a colorful spectacle. However, this fall we had lots of rainstorms in New England, so I didn’t do as much landscape photography as in previous years. Actually, I only visited a nearby lake (map) a few times when the weather was occasionally nice enough for a couple of hours. Fortunately, the fall colors looked great every time I went to the reservoir, so I enjoyed these short nature photography sessions. During these mini tours, I tried a few different compositions and created both classic landscape photos, some closer, more detailed so called intimate shots and even some impressionist style abstract images. I used my Canon EOS 5DsR camera and my 70-200mm f/4 lens on my Manfrotto tripod. On sunny days, I also used my Tiffen polarizer to cut back the reflections on the leaves so they show their true colors.
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