Autumn is a wonderful season for landscape photography as the foliage turns into a colorful spectacle. However, this fall we had lots of rainstorms in New England, so I didn’t do as much landscape photography […]
Author Archives: Gábor Ruff
Unusual Overwintering Behavior of Squirrels and Chipmunks
Autumn usually brings big changes in the life of wild animals. Many birds migrate to warmer places, insects and other arthropods normally try to find shelters to overwinter either as adults, pupae, larvae or eggs. […]
Rabbits and Other Wildlife in my Backyard – Connecticut
One of the perks of having a backyard in a small town is the opportunity to watch all kinds of wildlife around the house. We try to keep our backyard wildlife friendly with not too […]
Nature Photography in the Swiss Alps
Early September, we went to Switzerland for a few days. Our trip was both business and pleasure. Gabi attended a conference in Zurich, while I did some wildlife photography, and we also hiked together in […]
Fireflies – Connecticut
The “firefly season” is a few weeks long summer spectacle on the Northeast. I really enjoy spending some time outside at dusk watching and photographing this wonderful phenomenon. This year I didn’t take any close-up […]
Nature Photography at Prince Edward Island – Canada
The main goal of our recent East Canada road trip was to visit Prince Edward Island, the smallest Canadian province. We spent three nights here and had two full days to explore this amazing region. […]
East Canada Road Trip: NB, PEI, NS
At the end of May and early June, Gabi and I went on a long road trip to Eastern Canada. We visited three provinces: New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. We planned to […]
Cover Story in Földgömb Magazine: Oahu, Hawaii
Conquest of Paradise – Vanishing Wildlife of Oahu (Hawaii). My article about the invasive species on the island of Oahu, Hawaii has been published in Földgömb magazine. Földgömb (The Globe) is a Hungarian magazine published […]
Hortobágy National Park in Hungary Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
Hungary’s first national park was established on January 1, 1973 in Hortobágy to protect the area’s unique natural and ethnographic values. It is located on the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) in the eastern part of […]
Highlights from 2022
With the new year approaching, it’s a good time to look back at the past year. 2022 was not a bad year for me as a nature photographer. I had some big adventures (maybe not […]
Late Fall in Shenandoah National Park – Virginia
Gabi and I planned an almost two week long Florida road trip for early November, but decided to turn back from North Carolina when we learned about a hurricane that was visiting Florida the same […]
Gray Seal Photography at Cape Code National Seashore – Massachusetts
Last week, we spent a few days in Massachusetts. While Gabi was attending the annual DEL Symposium in Boston, I spent two days at Cape Cod National Seashore (map) to photograph gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). […]
Fall Trip to the Green Mountains – Vermont
Last weekend, Gabi and I did a short leaf-peeping trip to the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont. Even though it wasn’t a photography trip, I took my photo equipment and hoped to find a […]
Nature Photography at Baxter State Park – Maine
I spent a week in Maine at the end of September. I camped near Baxter State Park (map), just like two years ago and visited the park every day. My main goal was to photograph […]
Nature Photography at Green Mountains – Vermont
I spent two days at Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont (map) wild camping and doing nature photography. I was hoping to photograph some wildlife (deer or even moose), so I decided to camp near […]
Firefly Photography – Connecticut
The middle of summer is “firefly season” in Connecticut and in many parts of North America. When the sun goes down the forests and meadows light up as myriads of tiny light-producing insects make a […]
Acadia in Black and White
It’s kind of my tradition to create a black and white landscape image when I visit a national park that Ansel Adams visited as well. He is the most influential landscape photographer and I find […]
Acadia National Park – Maine
Gabi and I spent a few days at Acadia National Park in Maine. The park is located on the Maine coast and it is famous for its rugged coastline. Acadia preserves a large part of […]
New Article in Természetbúvár Magazine: Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
My article about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has been published in the 2/2022 issue of Természetbúvár magazine in Hungary. The main subject of the article is the 150 years old Yellowstone National Park and its […]
Highlights from 2021
2021 has been another “interesting” year. After the shock of 2020 we now got used to the new norm. I spent most of my time in my backyard photographing the local birds and wildlife on […]
Yellowstone National Park – WY, MT, ID
The “Yellowstone Road Trip“. That’s how we called our September road trip, because even though we visited three other national parks too (Badlands, Teddy and the Tetons), the main goal of the very long drive […]